Uncomfortable: I Got Laid Off…

I’ve had a job since I was 15 years old – I am now 26 and I was just laid off, due to budget cuts. This is the first time that I have NOT had a job in my adult life. I went from being sad, to being mad, to feeling like a piece of garbage. Having a job has always been a part of my identity. So, what do you do when a piece of you is removed from the picture? Unwillingly mind you… Continue reading “Uncomfortable: I Got Laid Off…”

Uncomfortable: My Dad the Professional Badass – Growing up with a Lieutenant Colonel

Growing up everyone was scared of my Dad. He was loud and macho and he would put the fear of God into you if he needed to. Talk about scaring your children (and their friends) straight. All that being said, he is one of the people in my life that I respect the most. And personally, I believe that a little “fear of Dad” is a good thing for kids – it was one heck of a motivator!  Continue reading “Uncomfortable: My Dad the Professional Badass – Growing up with a Lieutenant Colonel”