Uncomfortable: Learning When to Swerve

Do you feel stuck?
Do you feel like you do the same thing day in and day out with minimal effort or reward? Do you feel satisfied in life? Do you feel satisfied with your job or in your relationship? Continue reading “Uncomfortable: Learning When to Swerve”

Uncomfortable: Relationships | Falling in Love with Yourself Again – Part 2

You know what I’ve realized over the past couple of months?  That EVERYTHING, literally everything, ebs and flows. I know we’ve talked about change and it being a constant, but every once in a while we get in these ruts – at least, I know I do… Where you think, feel, believe, that everything is staying the same – that you are stagnant or even trapped. Continue reading “Uncomfortable: Relationships | Falling in Love with Yourself Again – Part 2”

Uncomfortable: Relationships | Getting Back On The Horse

So clearly, this is something that has been prevalent on my mind as of late. I’ve been single for about 6 months now, and the idea of entering the dating pool again is somewhat terrifying. And I’m sure many of you feel the same way…
I’ve dipped my toe here and there, but I haven’t made the full on plunge yet.  Continue reading “Uncomfortable: Relationships | Getting Back On The Horse”

Uncomfortable: Relationships | Falling in Love with Yourself Again

It’s been a hot minute since I posted in here, and I apologize for that. Life has a funny way of getting in the way sometimes, and I wanted to think this whole thing through before posting about it.
As some of you know, my boyfriend (of two years) and I split a few months back… and while some people go out and blow off steam or jump back into another relationship (let’s be honest, like I have in the past multiple times) – this time was different.  Continue reading “Uncomfortable: Relationships | Falling in Love with Yourself Again”

Uncomfortable: Who do You Want to be?

Yes, this is a legit deep question here. However, we all ask ourselves this question at some point. Some of us maybe once a week, or a couple times a month, and others – maybe several times a day. The key here is that we are asking ourselves who we want to be, not whatContinue reading “Uncomfortable: Who do You Want to be?”

Uncomfortable: Girls are Crazy Because Guys are ***holes

Have you heard of the “crazy/hot scale” A.K.A. the “Hot Crazy Matrix”? If you haven’t, sadly, it is a thing for this generation. But, ya know what? I think it is TRASH!!!! Women are crazy because men make us crazy (for the most part); as there are always exceptions to the rule…  Continue reading “Uncomfortable: Girls are Crazy Because Guys are ***holes”

Uncomfortable: My Continuous Battle with Bulimia Nervosa

This is not a comfortable conversation at all, but that’s what this blog is all about, right? Honesty?!
A lot of people look at eating disorders as a “phase” in someone’s life. But, what many people don’t understand, and what most of us (who have had an eating disorder) go through, is wayyyyyy more complicated than a phase. An eating disorder is a mindset, and changing that mindset and your ideas about your body, isn’t always easy. For me, this has proven to be a constant battle…  Continue reading “Uncomfortable: My Continuous Battle with Bulimia Nervosa”

Uncomfortable: When You Think He’s “THE ONE” but He Isn’t

So, let me start this off by saying that I LOVE this guy’s family. We still have a “good” relationship and they are supportive of different events in my life – like my TEDx talk. Which honestly, means a lot to me.
But, what messed me up with this relationship, was the expectations created from thinking that he was the one.   Continue reading “Uncomfortable: When You Think He’s “THE ONE” but He Isn’t”

Uncomfortable: Are Our “Traditions” Soon to be a Way of the Past?

So, as I was stumbling through some blogs the other day I came across this: School Cancels Mother’s and Father’s Day Activities to Respect Non-Traditional Families. I mean, I know we are so worried about constantly being politically correct (PC), but SERIOUSLY?! You’ve got to be kidding me. Continue reading “Uncomfortable: Are Our “Traditions” Soon to be a Way of the Past?”

Uncomfortable: What Are We Saying to Our Daughters When We Tell Them to “Put some clothes on”?

So, there are two main schools of thought on this:
a. We are telling our daughters to respect their bodies and respect themselves
b. We are telling our daughters that boys/men can’t always control theirselves – so they (our daughters) need to dress appropriately as to not gain improper or unwanted  attention Continue reading “Uncomfortable: What Are We Saying to Our Daughters When We Tell Them to “Put some clothes on”?”