Uncomfortable: The “C” Word – CHANGE | What’s Your New Years Resolution?

I know that we touched on this in the previous blog, but I wanted to follow up with y’all – because I have some questions…
Do you make a New Years resolution every year? Or do you do it when you know something big needs to happen, or is going to happen? What motivates you to make a resolution?  Continue reading “Uncomfortable: The “C” Word – CHANGE | What’s Your New Years Resolution?”

Uncomfortable: Girls are Crazy Because Guys are ***holes

Have you heard of the “crazy/hot scale” A.K.A. the “Hot Crazy Matrix”? If you haven’t, sadly, it is a thing for this generation. But, ya know what? I think it is TRASH!!!! Women are crazy because men make us crazy (for the most part); as there are always exceptions to the rule…  Continue reading “Uncomfortable: Girls are Crazy Because Guys are ***holes”

Uncomfortable: When You Think He’s “THE ONE” but He Isn’t

So, let me start this off by saying that I LOVE this guy’s family. We still have a “good” relationship and they are supportive of different events in my life – like my TEDx talk. Which honestly, means a lot to me.
But, what messed me up with this relationship, was the expectations created from thinking that he was the one.   Continue reading “Uncomfortable: When You Think He’s “THE ONE” but He Isn’t”

Uncomfortable: Raw Beauty | Chillin with No Makeup on

We are told that we need to be “dimes” all the time. That our hair and makeup have to be perfect. That we can’t have an ounce of fat on us. That our outfit better be “on point”. Why? Because society has said so? Beauty is beauty, everyone is beautiful in their own way – and raw beauty is b-e-a-uuuuutiful. Continue reading “Uncomfortable: Raw Beauty | Chillin with No Makeup on”

Uncomfortable: Are Our “Traditions” Soon to be a Way of the Past?

So, as I was stumbling through some blogs the other day I came across this: School Cancels Mother’s and Father’s Day Activities to Respect Non-Traditional Families. I mean, I know we are so worried about constantly being politically correct (PC), but SERIOUSLY?! You’ve got to be kidding me. Continue reading “Uncomfortable: Are Our “Traditions” Soon to be a Way of the Past?”

Uncomfortable: Drinking | 3 Reasons You Should Stop

We all like to knock them back, some more than others – everyone has their own way of coping with life and its events. And I’m not knocking drinking, I’m a total wino – however, there are more than a few reasons why we should all relax on the amount we consume. (And for the record, just because you stop, or slow down, doesn’t make you a quitter!!!)   Continue reading “Uncomfortable: Drinking | 3 Reasons You Should Stop”

Uncomfortable: I Got Laid Off…

I’ve had a job since I was 15 years old – I am now 26 and I was just laid off, due to budget cuts. This is the first time that I have NOT had a job in my adult life. I went from being sad, to being mad, to feeling like a piece of garbage. Having a job has always been a part of my identity. So, what do you do when a piece of you is removed from the picture? Unwillingly mind you… Continue reading “Uncomfortable: I Got Laid Off…”

Uncomfortable: Flying – 3 Reasons Why Southwest Airlines Gets All the LUV

My Dad has been a Pilot at Southwest Airlines for a while now, he is a Captain (which means he’s the head hancho). So, over the years I have seen Southwest grow, and respond to disasters, and call it a come back. I must say, I have also personally put my frequent flyer miles in. You could say I’m a “professional” traveler if you will. From college in New York and then living in Florida and coming home to Reno, I’ve done my fair share of flying. This is what I’ve witnessed over the years that makes Southwest such a niche airline, and what truly makes them so LUVable.  Continue reading “Uncomfortable: Flying – 3 Reasons Why Southwest Airlines Gets All the LUV”

Uncomfortable: Relationships – The Two “Golden” Rules for Improving Intimacy

So, I don’t know about you, but there are a couple rules that I don’t believe in breaking in relationships. Besides loyalty and the traditional “golden rule”, I believe that you should 1. never go to bed angry and 2. always kiss your partner goodnight. These are my two Golden Rules in a relationship.  Continue reading “Uncomfortable: Relationships – The Two “Golden” Rules for Improving Intimacy”

Uncomfortable: Parenting | My Mom the Superwoman – Holding Down the Fort while Dad Played Pilot

Behind every great man, is an even greater woman. And that Superwoman, is my Mom.
While my Dad was being a Professional Badass (see Uncomfortable: My Dad the Professional Badass – Growing up with a Lieutenant Colonel), my Mom was the one holding down the fort with two kids. And for any woman who has done this, you know it’s not always an easy task. Continue reading “Uncomfortable: Parenting | My Mom the Superwoman – Holding Down the Fort while Dad Played Pilot”