Uncomfortable: The “C” Word – CHANGE | What’s Your New Years Resolution?

I know that we touched on this in the previous blog, but I wanted to follow up with y’all – because I have some questions…
Do you make a New Years resolution every year? Or do you do it when you know something big needs to happen, or is going to happen? What motivates you to make a resolution?  Continue reading “Uncomfortable: The “C” Word – CHANGE | What’s Your New Years Resolution?”

Uncomfortable: Taking Ownership of Our Mistakes

No one likes to admit when they’re wrong. It’s this human instinct we possess to protect ourselves from the hurt, from the bad that may ensue after we make a mistake. So, because of this, we have a legitimate issue when it comes to owning our mistakes, our flaws, our imperfections. And everyone has them; but it is so much easier for us to point out the flaws in others than it is for us to take a good hard look at ourselves.  Continue reading “Uncomfortable: Taking Ownership of Our Mistakes”