Uncomfortable: Taking Ownership of Our Mistakes

No one likes to admit when they’re wrong. It’s this human instinct we possess to protect ourselves from the hurt, from the bad that may ensue after we make a mistake. So, because of this, we have a legitimate issue when it comes to owning our mistakes, our flaws, our imperfections. And everyone has them; but it is so much easier for us to point out the flaws in others than it is for us to take a good hard look at ourselves.  Continue reading “Uncomfortable: Taking Ownership of Our Mistakes”

Uncomfortable: Parenting | My Mom the Superwoman – Holding Down the Fort while Dad Played Pilot

Behind every great man, is an even greater woman. And that Superwoman, is my Mom.
While my Dad was being a Professional Badass (see Uncomfortable: My Dad the Professional Badass – Growing up with a Lieutenant Colonel), my Mom was the one holding down the fort with two kids. And for any woman who has done this, you know it’s not always an easy task. Continue reading “Uncomfortable: Parenting | My Mom the Superwoman – Holding Down the Fort while Dad Played Pilot”

Uncomfortable: Having Faith – In what Exactly?

The first thing people say to you when things aren’t going well, or right, is, “have faith”… What exactly am I supposed to have faith in? In Yahweh? In a higher power? In Allāh? In Buddha? There are so many ideals and beliefs in this world that it’s hard to decide what to have faith in. Faith isn’t tangible, you can’t see it, touch it, or taste it – which is part of what makes having faith so hard.
But, “have faith” is the first thing we are told when we need something or someone to lean on.
Have faith, it’ll all work out. Have faith, everything happens for a reason. Have faith, you may not understand now, but you will see later.

Ughhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Sometimes those phrases drive me absolutely bonkers… And if you do have faith in a higher power, that’s great. If you don’t, that’s fine too – I’m not here to judge, merely to start the conversation…
The most important “being” to have faith in, every day, not just in times of hardship – is yourself. Continue reading “Uncomfortable: Having Faith – In what Exactly?”