Uncomfortable: Relationships | Falling in Love with Yourself Again

It’s been a hot minute since I posted in here, and I apologize for that. Life has a funny way of getting in the way sometimes, and I wanted to think this whole thing through before posting about it.
As some of you know, my boyfriend (of two years) and I split a few months back… and while some people go out and blow off steam or jump back into another relationship (let’s be honest, like I have in the past multiple times) – this time was different.  Continue reading “Uncomfortable: Relationships | Falling in Love with Yourself Again”

Uncomfortable: When You Think He’s “THE ONE” but He Isn’t

So, let me start this off by saying that I LOVE this guy’s family. We still have a “good” relationship and they are supportive of different events in my life – like my TEDx talk. Which honestly, means a lot to me.
But, what messed me up with this relationship, was the expectations created from thinking that he was the one.   Continue reading “Uncomfortable: When You Think He’s “THE ONE” but He Isn’t”

Uncomfortable: You GRADUATED! Now what? | Debt, Degrees & a Horrible Higher Education System

First off, congratulations! Graduating is a big accomplishment – but can I ask you what’re you going to do with that degree? What are your plans?
It used to be that you could come out of college and get a job right away in your field. But now, we offer fields like hip-hop, pop culture, and comedy. WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH A DEGREE LIKE THAT!? And how are you going to pay back all of your loans??  Continue reading “Uncomfortable: You GRADUATED! Now what? | Debt, Degrees & a Horrible Higher Education System”