Uncomfortable: The “C” Word – CHANGE | A Year of Growth

Was scrolling through pictures I was “tagged in” the other day, and it legitimately made me stop what I was doing.

MBA Graduation 2017

It’s been over a year since I packed up my life (and Nina) and moved to Phoenix, just about a year that I’ve been single – I know right?, and I’ve been with Dansons #DreamJob for a little over a year now as well.
When I saw all those old pictures this moment of realization hit me like a frikin brick. Does that ever happen to you? You know something, but then it’s like oh snap! I REALLY understand it now. Continue reading “Uncomfortable: The “C” Word – CHANGE | A Year of Growth”

Uncomfortable: The Gym and an Eating Disorder

Getting back into the gym after having an eating disorder can be tricky, and it sure isn’t easy. It is easy however, to get carried away and become addicted to something else – that could potentially give you the same result as the eating disorder had: being (or wanting to be) the thinnest person in the room, i.e. “the drive for thinness“. Which we all know, is NOT GOOD. Continue reading “Uncomfortable: The Gym and an Eating Disorder”